Friday, October 24, 2008


A myth is someone’s belief or story of how things happen. Myths are symbols of human experiences and spiritual values. They are crucial to culture.
An example of a myth is the story of Demeter and Persephone.

A hero is a person who helps people. They have qualities/strengths greater than other people. A hero is someone that people look up to and respect.
An example of a hero is Hercules.

A hero journey is the story of the hero’s life. It explains all the stages of his life including the transformation, battles, gifts, etc.
An example of a hero journey is when Hercules goes through his twelve labors.

Universal means known by all. Everyone can use it and it is familiar with it.
An example of something universal is duality. Everyone knows that good and evil always exist together.

An archetype is an original kind or model. It is the foundation.
An example of an archetype is the three different starts of creation: watery abyss, void, and the egg.

Cyclical means something has a pattern, or a cycle that repeats itself.
An example of cyclical is how the sun rises and sets everyday.

Duality means opposites existing in a whole.
An example of duality is good and evil.

Creation is when something/someone is made, how something came to be, or how something starts.
An example of creation is birth or newness in the world.

Cosmology is the studies of the world/universe.
An example of cosmology is the belief of evolution.

Life out of death means something good coming from something bad. Something has to die in order for something else to live.
An example would be when an animal dies for a human to eat, to survive.

Matriarchal means the foundation of female power, when the mother rules.
An example is Mother Earth.

Patriarchal means the foundation of male power, when the father rules.
An example is Father Sky.

A sacrifice is what someone gives up for other people.
An example of a sacrifice is putting your life in danger to help another person.

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