Monday, December 1, 2008

Names/Places Review

  1. Vikings-- Came from Norway, Finland, and Sweden.
  2. Ginnungagap-- Dark void.
  3. Nifleheim-- Land of fog and ice.
  4. Muspellheim-- Land of fire.
  5. Yggdrasil-- World Ash Tree. Connects all three worlds.
  6. Asgard-- Home of the gods.
  7. Midgard-- Land of man.
  8. Hel-- Home of the dead.
  9. Bifrost Bridge-- (rainbow) Divine bridge that links the humans and the gods worlds.
  10. Ymir-- Wild, fierce, evil frost giant. Made man and woman from his sweaty armpit.
  11. Odin-- God of gods and humans. Domains are wisdom, war, witchcraft and poetry. God of storm and night.
  12. Frigg-- Wife of Odin. Cloud spinner. Most powerful goddess. Domains are love, destiny and marriage.
  13. The Valkyries-- Choosers of the Slain.
  14. The Norns-- Fate Maidens. Past (Urd), Present (Verdandi), and Future (Skuld)
  15. Thor-- Warrior Son. Strongest son of Odin. Domains are thunder, battle and fertility. His hammer is named Mjolliner. He has a chariot pulled by goats.
  16. Balder-- Beloved son of Odin and Frigg. God of radiance, rebirth, justice and light. He is beautiful.
  17. Njord-- Domains are wind and sea. Patron of sailors.
  18. Frey-- God of fertility, prosperity, sun and rain. Married to Freya.
  19. Freya-- Goddess of fertility, love, beauty, magic, war and death.
  20. Idunn-- Odin's daughter in law. Goddess of youth. Keeper of golden apples (youth). Married to Bragi.
  21. Loki-- Son of a giant. 1/2 blood god- mixed blood with Odin. Has magic powers. Knows all secrets. He is a trickster with many disguises. Evil and has evil children.
  22. Fenrir-- The wolf destroyer.
  23. Jormungandr-- World serpent.
  24. Ragnarok--"Dooms Day." Final Battle. Ending of everything. Causes a new beginning.
  25. Runes-- Pebble things...each one has a different design that means something. Either a letter or a word. They are a way of communicating.

"Runes." 2008. Photograph of Runes. Spellbound Enterprises. 1 December 2008.

"Alternative Religions." 2008. Photograph of Norse Tree of Life. Alternative Religions. 1 December 2008.

1 comment:

Amy C said...

Oh my god Shelby that is SOOOOOOOOO interesting! Thanks for sharing! Love you GIIIIRLLLL!!!