Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Burr Woman

In the story of Burr Woman there is a guy who does not like women. He was very handsome so, as a result, all the women liked him and wanted to marry him. Even though super pretty girls, one in particular, ask to date him, he declined them. So, this one girl mentioned before, was a girl who was gorgeous and lived with her grandmother. The girl decided she was pretty enough and was sure she would not be turned down by this mystery man so she decided to propose to him. Sadly, the uninterested boy immediately did not except her proposal and she ran home to her grandma in great anger. Her grandma was likewise upset and came up with a plan. As soon as grandma saw this guy walking around the next day, she came up to him and told him she could not walk. She asked for a ride on his back. Even though this was an odd request, he let her. So she jumped on top of his back and refused to let go even when they reached their destination. The helpless guy yelled for help after struggling to shake this crazy old lady off. A lot of woman came to his cry and tried to save him. However, no one succeeded. That is, until two girls decided to double their force and pull together. As a result, the grandma peed on the man during the forceful pull and afterward was killed by the two heroic girls. Therefore, the two women were rewarded by both marrying the guy!

“Burr Woman.” Indian Mythology. 2006. 7 November 2008. .

Crazy Old Grandma

“A Western Grandma.” 2005. Photograph. AhaJokes. 11 November 2008. .

1 comment:

Amy C said...

HAHAHA Shelb that is the funniest picture, kinda reminds me of .... YOU! lol :) good summary! Very well written.